Wildhorse Mountain Ranch
Wildhorse Ranch is an educational and experiential destination that welcomes guests from around the world. We are more than a ranch, we offer life changing and memorable events.
Nine weeks of Summer Horsecamps are designed to inspire girls with self confidence and build leadership abilities. At Wildhorse the girls engage with horses to build better life skills and problem solving skills. Horses do the teaching; we help with the explanations and guidance so that the girls figure things out on their own. Ages 10 and up, suitable for first time riders to advanced.
Women’s Personal Development Workshops: If you would like to develop your confidence, self-esteem and develop personally to change your life for the better, we can help you. Look to be inspired and energized!
Team Building and Leadership Training – Facilitating Open Ended Activities designed to exercise your mind and body. We have 3 tiers of activity levels and a variety of options to make your sessions successful. Why Use Horses? Horses know how to discern the difference between non-threatening vs anxious-nervous energy: immediately identifying individuals who are struggling internally. Horses look for strong leadership and are willing to follow but only if they know they can respect and trust you. Horses live in a world where team work is respected and expected.
PTSD Programs: Cowboy Up and Carry On is a program Bear has developed to work with the issues around PTSD. We are looking for people who are willing to put effort into making their life better. The first step to recovery is the desire to do so. Our purpose is to provide the tools needed to improvise, adapt and overcome. Are you ready to get back in the game?? If the answer is Yes, please call and set up an appointment, Private and Group Bookings available. We are looking for donations to help offset the costs of coaching people to get them back in the game of Life. Please contact us via email or call 1-403-729-2910 if you would like to help.
Educational Trail Rides: The Wildhorse Herd contains many breeds, sizes, colors and personalities and our guest horses are well trained, safe horses to ride. We ride year round.
School Groups: We specialize in “leadership and skill development programs”. Horses help us facilitate non-judgmental, results based activities that make children stronger and more confident.
The Universal Sweatlodge Ceremony: The sweatlodge ceremony has existed for thousands of years in one form or another in almost every society worldwide. We have blended two powerful cultures into one and created the Universal Sweatlodge Ceremony. Integrating first nation’s teachings and Scandinavian traditions we open our doors to anyone who is seeking knowledge, healing and understanding.
Reiki and Triple E : Join us for a unique opportunity: The ancient hand on healing known as Reiki combined with the sacred energy of the horse. Receive your Level 1 Reiki attunement and take part in our “join forces with the horse’s ceremony” for a join up evolution! We are on a quest that keeps us ever evolving… Triple E is the Equine Evolution to Excellence™, horses and humans evolving together!
Creative Workshops: Learn how to build with Wildwood and Willow. Go small with a Prairie Gathering Basket or Wreath up to your own personally designed chair. Lots of projects available.
People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But, they will never forget how you made them feel! Custom bookings available, pick a date, find a group and CALL to register: 403-729-2910
383040A Range Road 62 Rocky Mountain House, AB
(403) 729-2910
Visit Website
- Camping - Group
- Camping - Winter
- Firewood - Available
- Meeting Rooms
- Warmup Shelter
Let us help you get there
From Red Deer: take Hwy 11, drive about 45 miles then turn left onto Arbutus Road. 2 miles south to TWP 38-4, turn left, go 1 mile east. AT RR 6-2- turn right, drive ½ mile, turn right = Wildhorse.